hello last night i jumped on and bang right in to runs with Shou and Julius
 to bad their was Internet problems at the end of the third run but its tiring to play that fast 
but fast is nice sometimes to. after that there was a PSOW party so i introduced myself 
to Ahri and Hoku we ran a little and chatted then by the time iz came in i was kind of tired
por iz well we will play later. it was a long fun night 
wow so much as changed but psp02 is still the same which i <3
it was perfect iz was their so we got to chat it is always fun but i am going to have to start running again after 2 mounts I'm starting to get "soft" well that is what she said
and vermilion still likes to poke around to 
soon i wil get to be on more so yay about that too