So after one month i finley have time to play but before i jumped on i was hopping that every one is still on after all psonline2 is allmost of out now or worse the only people that are left are boys interested in one thing... and it was not so yay ri was their and a new friend Diana she is nice we ran for a couple of hours and chatted a perfect party Its so good to juts relax with the girls hope to play more now that I'm almost back  
4/22/2012 09:23:06 pm

Sounds like you had it ruff. But before you assume the worst I'd like to remind you that finding a "good party" on Phantasy Star Portable 2 was hard enough to start with.

That and Phantasy Star Online 2 for the most part is Free to Play. Aside for a few Arks Cash items.
Anyway there's a Character Creator Demo out. Maybe you should give it a try.


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